FFGeneCode: 99933951

Price: 1.99 GBPAvailable in stock, Shipment: 24hFly Fishing Shop > Fly Tying Materials > DubbingGBP

FFGene Ice Fry and Shrimp Dubbing

FFGene Ice Fry and Shrimp Dubbing is a blend of several types of synthetic and natural fibers, including flash fibers. It is perfect for streamers imitating small fish, shrimp, and krill, as well as for other saltwater and freshwater flies. Its structure and properties make it easier to achieve a realistic appearance and attractiveness of the lures.

FFGene Ice Fry and Shrimp Dubbing in stock - Shipping 24h. Tomorrow you can enjoy the purchased goods. Check the category: Fly Fishing Shop > Fly Tying Materials > Dubbing . Great Brands and Best Prices - Fly Fishing Shop Taimen

Color: FFGene Ice Fry and Shrimp Dubbing

Photo Color Description


Ice White Code: 10085725 FFGene Ice Fry and Shrimp Dubbing
1.99 GBP

Aqua Shad Code: 10085726 FFGene Ice Fry and Shrimp Dubbing
1.99 GBP

Natural Grey Code: 10085727 FFGene Ice Fry and Shrimp Dubbing
1.99 GBP

Orange Shimp Code: 10085728 FFGene Ice Fry and Shrimp Dubbing
1.99 GBP

Pink Shrimp Code: 10085729 FFGene Ice Fry and Shrimp Dubbing
1.99 GBP

Natural Tan Shrimp Code: 10085730 FFGene Ice Fry and Shrimp Dubbing
1.99 GBP

Gray Back Code: 10085731 FFGene Ice Fry and Shrimp Dubbing
1.99 GBP

Blue Shad Code: 10085732 FFGene Ice Fry and Shrimp Dubbing
1.99 GBP

Purple Shad Code: 10085733 FFGene Ice Fry and Shrimp Dubbing
1.99 GBP

Yellow Shad Code: 10085734 FFGene Ice Fry and Shrimp Dubbing
1.99 GBP

Green Shad Code: 10085735 FFGene Ice Fry and Shrimp Dubbing
1.99 GBP

Sea Blue Shad Code: 10085736 FFGene Ice Fry and Shrimp Dubbing
1.99 GBP