StonfoCode: 99933019

Price: 84.79 EUR
(~12200 JPY)Available in stock, Shipment: 24hFly Fishing Shop > Fly Tying Tools > SetsJPY

Stonfo Travel Tool Set

Complete travel set which includes 8 fly tying tools. Supplied in a strong and elegant case whose rubber interior is shaped to give each tool a precise housing. The set includes: small Scissor, Bobtec1 bobbin with adjustable thread tension, Bobbin threader, Finisher-Conical finisher, Bodkin, Hackle pliers, Rotodubbing mini, Pettine comb. Inside detailed instructions of the various tools.

Ultra-light: 200 gr
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Stonfo Travel Tool Set

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Code: 10078697  
84.79 EUR
(~ 12200 JPY)